Friday, 23 September 2016

Chemical peel treatments can be a great way to keep your skin looking fresh, young and beautiful. However, there are still some myths behind these facial treatments, about how they work and effect your skin. Below are 5 popular myths we’ve seen, and the truth behind them.
Myth: All chemical peels are the same.
Truth: The skin care or medical professional will work with you to decide on a desired result, and that will determine the type of peel used, the percentage of the peel used, and the pH level. For example, some penetrate the skin deeply, while some only slough off exterior dead skin cells and require less recovery time. 

Myth: All chemical peels hurt.
Truth: While intense medical peels do exist , mild peels should not cause any downtime. Some sensitivity can be experienced, but this is generally normal and to be expected.  Consult with your skin care or medical professional if you have any concerns.

Myth: Your skin will always be red and irritated. 
Truth: Companies today are utilizing ingredients very superior quality ingredients which cause minimal or no downtime at all

Myth Chemical peels require months of recovery time.
Truth: Not anymore, nowadays there are even peels that can be done in 10 minutes, known as “lunch peels”!  follow the advice of your skin care professional and protect your face every day.

Myth: Chemical peels can be performed by anyone.
Truth: Peels should only be performed by licensed  medical professionals. Peels are a powerful way to exfoliate your skin and the strength of peels can vary and cause damage if misused. Trust your skin care professional to choose a peel that best suits your concerns and needs.

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